Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Contoh Surat Letak Jawatan (resign letter)

Di bawah ini merupakan contoh surat letak jawatan yang saya perolehi dari sahabat saya..anda boleh la guna surat ini sebagai surat perletakan jawatan anda kepada company anda....

Dear Mr. xxx,

It is with both regret and anticipation that I submit this letter of resignation. As required by my contract of empoyment, I hereby give you one month notice of my intention to leave my position as xxxxxxxxxxx, effective 18 March 2008.

I have decide that it is time to move on and I have accepted a position elsewhere. This was not an easy decision and took lot of consideration. However I am confident that my new role will help me to move towards some of the goals I have for my career. It has been my genuine pleasure to work for (company name) during these last 2 years.

I have enjoyed working with (company name) fine staff of professionals and colleagues. The association I have made during my employment here will be truly memorable for years to come. I wish (company name) continued more success in future.

Thank you for allowing me to serve (company name) and for all the opportunity, experience, knowledge and new skill I have during my employment. Once again I wish you all all staff in (company name) every good fortune.

Yours truly,



Monday, April 20, 2009

Tampilkan diri anda cukup menawan

Bila anda mendapat panggilan temuduga kerja kali pertama maka anda harus pastikan penampilan yang cukup memukau. Kesan pertama itu penting. Jika kesan yang ditimbulkan pertama kali sudah baik maka anda boleh berharap hubungan yang lebih baik pada waktu selanjutnya. Sebaliknya, sekali terlihat tidak bagus pada pertemuan pertama, sulit untuk mengharapkan hubungan yang lebih baik.

Dalam hal ini penampilan luar akan memberi kesan pertama pada penilaian diri anda. Secara keseluruhan anda harus tampil menarik dan profesional. Bila dari penampilan saja anda sudah tidak menarik maka orang akan malas melihat apalagi berbicara dengan anda.

Ada beberapa hal penting yang harus anda perhatikan dalam penampilan saat anda ingin datang untuk temuduga pekerjaan.

  1. Kenakanlah pakaian yang bersih dan rapi. Jangan gunakan baju tanpa kancing lalu anda tutupi dengan bros. Sebaiknya kenakanlah kemeja berpotongan longgar bermodel feminin dan cukup panjang sehingga pakaian dalam tidak 'mengintip sewaktu anda duduk.
  2. Pakai kasut dengan bagian depan yang tertutup. Anda boleh kenakan kasut dengan hak tidak lebih dari 5 cm. Tetapi anda jangan memakai kasut model boot, metal,kasut sandal apalagi hanya menggunakan sandal. Sebaiknya bersihkan terlebih dahulu kasut anda sebelum memasuki bilik temuduga dan jangan biarkan kasut anda terlihat kotor atau kusam. Jika anda mengenakan rok, pakai saja stocking transparan untuk mempercantik penampilan anda.
  3. Sisir rambut anda dengan rapi, sesuaikan model dan warna rambut yang wajar. Jangan mengecat rambut dengan warna-warna yang terang di saat tampil temuduga. Jangan biarkan rambut menutupi sebagian wajah anda. Kenakan wangian beraroma lembut namun tidak menyengat. Parfum dengan bau yang berlebihan hanya akan mengganggu orang-orang yang anda jumpai.
  4. Pastikan bahwa wajah anda sudah bersih dari kotoran mata atau sisa makanan yang menyelip di gigi anda. Sebelum anda masuk ke dalam menemui penemuduga sebaiknya anda ke toilet terlebih dahulu untuk memperbaiki make up dan penampilan anda. Kenakanlah makeup dengan warna-warna lembut dan natural. Jangan terlalu tebal karena tidak sesuai untuk penampilan wawancara pekerjaan.
  5. Kenakan aksesoris yang tidak terlalu banyak karena mengingat sifatnya sebagai pelengkap yang tidak mengganggu seperti subang yang kecil dan jam tangan. Pastikan kuku-kuku tangan sudah bersih dan pendek. Jangan sampai kuku terlihat panjang, hitam dan kotor. Karena hal kecil ini akan mempengaruhi penampilan anda secara keseluruhan. Jika pakai kuteks, hindarilah warna-warna menyolok seperti ungu, merah tua, biru tua atau hitam. Sebaliknya pilihlah cat kuku berwarna lembut seperti coklat muda atau warna bening.
  6. Penampilan memang memberi nilai tersendiri pada saat anda temuduga pekerjaan. Tetapi tentu saja harus didukung oleh 'inner beauty' Anda. Sopan santun dan tata krama ketika berhadapan dengan orang lain menjadi hal mutlak yang harus anda perhatikan dalam temuduga kerja. Satu lagi yang tidak kurang penting adalah kepintaran anda dalam berpikir. Jadi penampilan fisik yang prima juga harus didukung dengan pengetahuan yang luas.


Friday, April 17, 2009

7 Job Interview Tips

Before going for a job interview, it is important to prepare for it. I know it sounds obvious but you have no idea how many job applicants do not do any homework in regards to the company they are applying for. Here are 7 job interview tips that you should take into consideration when you are applying for your next job.

1. Know Yourself
It is important that you know your strengths and weakness as your potential employer will likely ask you this question. Also your current skill sets and character traits and think about how you can add value to the company.

2. Know the company
You should find out as much information you can about the company you are applying. Interviewers like job applicants who take an initative to find out more about their company. You can research online, check company brochures or do some research at the local library for more information.

3. Your Job History
Prepare your work experience ahead of time and in details. All your education references as well as letters of references and samples of your work should be arranged before you attend the job interviewer. This step is important as most employers will probably ask you about their previous job experiences anyway.

4. Know The Questions
There are certain questions employers will most likely ask such as “Introduce yourself”, your job experiences and why did you left your previous company. It is best to prepare these questions mentally ahead of time so you do not “choke” on the spot when you are being questioned.

5. Punctuality
Make sure you arrive at least 10 minutes before the job interview. Give yourself some allowances for traffic delays and unexpected circumstances. Being punctual gives a good impression and can help “calm your nerves”.

6. Your Attire
Your attire should also be appropriate for the position you are applying. If you are not sure, you can always call and ask.

7. Body Language
When you are being interviewed, your body language can tell a lot about you. Be firm and sit upright and be confident. Lastly, wear a simile on your face.

Article Source: Ricky Lim


Tips Untuk Menghadapi Temuduga (interview)

Bagi Anda yang sedang giat mencari pekerjaan, ada beberapa tips yang mungkin berguna bagi Anda. Sebelum Anda melakukan interview ada baiknya Anda semak beberapa point berikut ini :

  1. Memastikan waktu dan tempat interview sehari sebelumnya.

Setelah waktu dipastikan, anda dapat mengatur waktu untuk esok, misalnya memperkirakan jumlah waktu dan jarak yang ditempuh untuk ke tempat interview dengan menaiki apa dan kemungkinan yang lain.

  1. Pakai pakaian formal

Penampilan dan tingkah laku anda akan diperhitungkan oleh interviewer, jadi jangan lupa mengenakan pakaian terbaik yang anda punya. Tunjukkan rasa percaya diri melalui eye contact, jabat tangan yang erat, dan sesekali senyum.

  1. Dapatkan informasi tentang majikan pemberi kerja

Informasi yang ingin anda dapatkan diantaranya sifat interview; one-on-one atau panel interview? Perlukah membawa contoh hasil kerja anda? Jika ada test/ ujian, bagaimana bentuknya? Informasi berikutnya yang harus anda punya adalah informasi tentang perusahaan, mungkin dari promotional brochure/ booklet atau lebih baik lagi dari seseorang yang bekerja di perusahaan tersebut.

  1. Antisipasi pertanyaan lewat persiapan.

Pertanyaan biasanya diambil dari kategori personality anda, sejarah kerja anda, pengalaman dan keahlian khusus, perusahaan dan pekerjaan. Interviewer akan mencuba memahami personality anda; Apa alasan anda meninggalkan pekerjaan anda? Apa yang anda ketahui tentang perusahaan mereka dan apakah anda yakin mampu memenuhi requirement pekerjaan yang anda pohon? Posisikan diri anda sebagai interviewer, apa yang akan anda tanyakan? Bincangkan jawapan anda dengan teman.

  1. Jangan takut-takut.

Tegaskan pendirian anda. Seorang interviewer selalu menemuduga puluhan pencari kerja setiap harinya. Yang akan dia ingat adalah calon yang stand out dan selalu menyampaikan pendapat dan pendiriannya secara menarik. Maka sebaiknya anda meluangkan waktu terlebih dulu untuk menuliskan poin yang menjadi kekuatan dan keterampilan serta prestasi anda, supaya anda lebih siap ketika mempresentasikan diri anda di depan calon employer.

  1. Bersiaplah kerana mereka mungkin akan bertanya lebih banyak.

Pastikan jawaban anda fleksibel dan dapat dikembangkan. CV/ Resume anda kemungkinan besar sudah menyediakan jawapan yang mereka perlukan, namun mereka akan tetap bertanya untuk menguji kemampuan anda dalam berkomunikasi. Ketika menjelaskan jawapan anda, pastikan jangan sampai terlalu panjang atau menyimpang dari konteks pertanyaan.

  1. Lakukan latihan sebelum bentangkan (present).

Jika anda diminta untuk membentangkan material anda, jaga contentnya agar tetap sederhana namun tegas. Jangan terlalu cepat selesai atau terlalu panjang dalam memberikan jawapan. Meluangkan waktu untuk berlatih di depan cermin akan membantu timing anda ketika menyampaikan jawapan.

  1. Tanyakan yang perlu dan pertimbangkan jawapan mereka.

Biasanya di akhir interview anda akan diberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya. Jangan tiba-tiba melontarkan mereka dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan, namun jangan pula menjawab tidak ada. Kerana saat itu merupakan kesempatan anda untuk mendengar jawapan terus darinya, misalnya, program latihan melalui pekerjaan yang anda inginkan atau kesempatan berkarier.

  1. Bawa catatan kecil.

Jangan malu-malu untuk menulis jawapan yang diberikan interviewer kerana selain terlihat profesional, catatan tersebut mungkin berguna ketika anda dipanggil lagi. Catatan itu juga akan membantu anda mengambil keputusan ketika anda mendapatkan beberapa tawaran kerja.

  1. Lakukan follow-up setelah interview selesai.

Ketika anda hendak meninggalkan ruangan interview, jangan lupakan eye contact dan senyum. Jika anda tertarik dengan pekerjaan tersebut, kirimkan surat dalam waktu 24 jam yang menyatakan minat anda tersebut. Dalam perjalanan pulang, cuba untuk menulis draft surat tersebut dengan memanfaatkan catatan dan memori anda selagi masih segar. Dengan mengirimkan follow-up letter secepat mungkin akan menunjukkan minat dan kesungguhan anda dan dapat memberikan nilai tambah sendiri di mata interviewer.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Writing the Perfect Cover Letter

These days, you can find several websites that offer sample cover letters. It can be tempting to subscribe to any of these websites and use a ready-made, ready-to-use cover letter, but refrain yourself from doing so. Nothing beats writing your own cover letter, and you can do so without any serious difficulty. When you write your own cover letter, of course you'll want things to be just right. You'll want to have the perfect cover letter that can get you the job as soon as your future employer reads it. While it is true that nothing in this life is perfect, you can come as close to perfection as you can when you use proven methods in resume writing. Your cover letter must, above all else, advertise your unique qualifications. It is your job in writing a cover letter to promote yourself to the company of your choice. The only way to do this is to think long and hard about the skills and talents you can offer. Some people choose to lie when it comes to presenting their skills and talents. Not only is this wrong, but it's also very dangerous. There's a high risk that your future employer will find out sooner or later that your cover letter is made of pure baloney. Instead, focus on the qualifications you really possess and make them relatable to the needs of the company. Make sure to include your academic accomplishments, past projects which you've handled or have been a part of, and other relevant information. Zero in on the traits that the company is looking for. In order to write the perfect cover letter, or one that is close to being perfect, you must catch the reader's eye right away. Some job-seekers take this piece of advice the wrong way and excitedly proceed with using different font colors, sizes, and bold and/or italic commands. This will only result in a chaotic-looking cover letter. Instead, limit the highlights and the color and size changes to sections or headings so your cover letter appears neat and carefully prepared. One of the simplest tricks you can do is to use a font that is attractive and more readable. In this regard, studies have shown that Georgia, Times New Roman, and other serif fonts are easier and nicer to read in hard copy as opposed to Arial, Tahoma, and other sans serif fonts. This is because unlike sans serif fonts, serif fonts make use of small horizontal lines and clean flourishes that allow the eye to be carried along. Of course, all these won't matter if your cover letter reeks of grammatical errors. Proofread your cover letter several times just to make sure that you are getting the correct message – complete with proper spelling and punctuation – across. Ask the help of a language-proficient friend if you must. Effective communication is one of the best ways to ensure that you are indeed writing the perfect cover letter. Finally, find out the name of the person who will be reading your cover letter. You can create a more favorable impression by addressing your cover letter using that person's name. Always use the person's full name (not his or her nickname) and add a "Mr." or a "Ms." (whichever is appropriate).

By Dirk Daggler


12% Unemployment! Can Internet Help?

With Unemployment in the Double Digits and businesses laying off workers while going bankrupt, big and small businesses are going to be forced to think 21st Century. Enter, "The Internet." Silently creating millionaires as it culminates deals with the speed of light and microchip wizardry. Obviously bricks and mortar will always play a role in business, but the Internet is about to make the power of its presence be felt in new and innovative ways. In order for businesses to operate more efficiently more green more cost effective, they will have to Maximize the potential of the Internet. Some job seekers will find that the Internet is actually a feasible place to start an online business, effectively reducing the cost of gas, wear and tear on their vehicles and affording them more quality time with their families. Some college students will also be able to leverage their talents on the Internet as well to produce income. Global business is fueling the Internet phenomena and redefining the world in which we live. A few years back, The FOREX (foreign exchange trade) leaped onto the Internet and created substantial wealth for those who studied the charts and had at least five thousand dollars to work with. Without the internet only the large banks would be able to indulge in this multi trillion dollar market. But you don't have to have five thousand dollars to invest. The internet has something for just about everyone. The name of the game is watching out for Scams. The Internet is a great place for opportunity but the sword cuts both ways and so you must exercise due diligence. Profits are estimated to be over One Billion dollars in legit business. Just think, all one needs is a high speed internet connection, rock solid focus and prudent money management. Going from wage earner to CEO could become a reality. IT professionals and people with Marketing backgrounds should at least take a look at the feasibility of the "Affiliate type" aspect of the business. Both of the afore mentioned folks could be leaving money on the table. Yes it takes effort to set up but this duo possess the mental gymnastics to get it rolling quicker than most. Once it's up, it can operate on Auto Pilot. Some will even be able to wean themselves from the Feast Or Famine Roller Coaster. Yep, it's the old think outside of the box approach. Reuters published and article in their February edition stating that, IT Professionals may be able to adapt their particular specialty to benefit other fields. Example, An architect's knowledge of best practices in systems design would be a strong asset in a technology due diligence position. -- A software engineer who supported CRM applications would bring desirable qualifications to the technology partnership function of a company marketing CRM software. That could very well be a fix for some but others may find another alternative more rewarding, exercising the Franchise "within" by starting an Online Business! As soon as one thinks that the Internet is saturated and newbie's need not waste their time trying to make a living on it, an entrepreneur slides online like Utube, Myspace, Twitter etc. The Internet is still ripe for the plucking.



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Overcoming Obstacles: How do I Manage a Family and Stay Happy in This Economy?

In this economy the burden of providing for a family can become overwhelming. Whether you've lost your job, wonder daily if you're next, or perhaps you've got a job but the cut backs have caused a decrease in pay with an increase in hours. Not to mention watching your investments disappear. Whatever pressures are upon you, there are steps you can take to overcome this season of obstacles, serving your family while experiencing joy in your life. It's a choice! I write this as one who walks in your shoes. Only difference; I'm a woman. I walk like a widow as the sole provider and parent of my five dependent children. And I must say, being in this position has given me great amounts of compassion and appreciation for you men taking responsibility of providing for your family! There are three keys I've found to keep my focus balanced enjoying life while I do so.

Key One: Every day reflect on at least one positive note before beginning your day. For instance, you woke up, you're healthy, you have family, recall a smile from the night before, and in Michigan if the sun is shining that's really positive! We can all recognize positives – even during difficult times – when we make an effort.

Key Two: Forget the saying, "Keeping up with the Jones's". Whether they live next door, down the street, in your family or simply in the Hollywood news – ignore them. When we get caught up in material comparison we lose sight of what's really important. A tight budget produces a positive discipline and one most Americans fail at. In fact, statistics state the Average American spends $1.33 for every dollar they make. Staying focused on your family and building those relationships will keep you free from focus on what you don't have and appreciate what you do.

Key Three: Invest in a relationship each day. You'll be amazed how much better you feel when you take the spotlight off yourself and on another person. Focus on your family first. From a visit to your child's school to playing a game or throwing a ball, show them you care during this special season. This down time can be utilized as a growth time in your relationships. Your children already know it's tough. So help them see you as their Hero no matter what life brings your way. Perhaps you're working excessive hours feeling exhausted with little to no energy. Get creative! Let them camp out in your bedroom, camp with them in the living room, have a spa night letting them give you shoulder massages then you'll feel great and so will they. With older kids, text them through the day, tell them how important they are, how loved they are and that you're thinking of them. Remind them that this is a season and you look forward to the future when you can spend more time together. Send your wife a special text, email or note. Words of appreciation are one of the overall greatest needs amongst people. Don't forget your family during your focus to provide. And remember to also hug often! It's up to you. Choose to Overcome these obstacles in our economy and be a hero for your family rather than be overcome and hopeless. There is always hope for a future. The joy you give you will also receive! A happy life is a healthy one as well. Please feel free to write in with your own questions.Kristi Chrysler is a Motivational Speaker and certified Health Coach. She teaches her clients to overcome obstacles and has helped her son recover from Autism and has herself recovered fully from Lupus.Source:www.isnare.com


The Job Interview

To make a positive and lasting impression at a job interview, you have to be prepared. The interview is where an employer will decide if you will be an asset to the company. Knowing the proper way to conduct your self is a key factor to achieving a successful interview. You need to be familiar with the interview jargon. The following is a list of language tools you should be well versed in before attending a job interview:

1. Don't Use Unfamiliar Terminology. Don't use terms an interviewer is not familiar with. You should be well versed in the language the employer understands. For example some employers are not well versed in computer technical terms. If possible, research information about the employer and the company.

2. Don't overuse the Word "I": If you use "I" too much when discussing past experiences, an employer may think that you are taking all the credit for work that others did. If you don't use "I" at all, the employer may think that you unable to work independently from others. Make sure you use both "I" and "We" during the interview.

3. Relaxed Communication: An employer wants to learn all about you. You have to be able to speak as though you are having a conversation. Say more than just "yes" or "no." You're your speaking style should flow and demonstrate that you are comfortable in any situation.

4. Overusing a Word or Phrase: Don't use a word too many times as it gives the impression that you are nervous. For instance, saying a word like "however" many times can distract an interviewer

5. Don't Use Marginal Words or Phrases: It does not sound professional if you keep repeating words or phrases such as "Like" or "you know" Always use professional words.

6. Engage The Employer: Don't just list your experiences. Use experiences to highlight particular qualifications. For example, if an employer wants to know how well you work with others, tell a story about an experience about when you and former employees worked together to solve a problem.

7. Prepare For Basic Questions: Don't focus solely on difficult questions an employer might ask. There are general questions that almost every employer asks. One such question is: Why do you want to work for us? You should be prepared to answer general questions

8. Don't Slight Past Jobs: Don't ridicule past jobs. If you worked at a fast food restaurant and make negative comments about it, an employer may think you have a bad attitude. It would be more impressive to say what you learned from working there and how it allowed you to save money for college.

9. Be Attentive: Make eye contact with the employer. Listen carefully to what the employer is saying and make your answers complete to show you understand what the employer is saying. If there is more than one interviewer, make eye contact with all of them as you speak.

10. Don't use Slang: There is standard of acceptable business communication. Words like "buddy" and "dude" will not impress an employer. The employer wants to hire someone who communicates professionally.

11. Avoid Profanity: If you swear during an interview or use vulgar and offensive language, don't bother sitting by the phone waiting for the employer to call. Businesses expect their employees' language and behavior to be professional and respectable.

12. Body Language: Don't fidget in your seat. Keep calm, relaxed, and always smile. Don't play with your hands. It is important to keep your mind and body composed during the interview. By maintaining a relaxed and happy composure, you will give the impression of competence and confidence.

13. Ask Questions: Employers expect that an interviewee is going to ask questions. Make sure your questions are clear and relevant to the business. Do some research about the company so that you can ask a good question. The job interview is the stage where one can make a first-rate impression. How you conduct yourself at an interview will drastically increase your chances of getting a job.



Zaman kemelesetan ekonomi membuatkan ramai yang agak sukar untuk mencari kerja. Makin ramai yang menjadi penganggur dan ini menyebabkan peluang untuk mendapatkan kerja agak terhad. Kita terpaksa bersaing dan mereka yang benar-benar bagus sahaja yang terpilih. Ini bermakna kita harus berusaha lebih kuat lagi dan memberikan yang terbaik. Pertama sekali ialah dalam menyediakan resume kerana resume ini adalah langkah pertama bagi membolehkan kamu melangkah ke alam pekerjaan. Bagi mereka yang sedang mencari pekerjaan cubalah ikuti tips yang kami berikan.

10 Tips Untuk Membuat Resume Maut

1. Jangan menghantar resume kamu tanpa surat pengenalan diri. lni akan memberi tanggapan seolah-olah kamu tidak berminat untuk mendapatkan kerja tersebut.
2. Surat pengenalan itu mesti dibuat dengan kemas dan teratur. Sebaiknya resume kamu mestilah ditaipkan supaya ia kelihatan kemas dan lebih formal, mudah dibaca dan senang membuat pembetulan. Jangan kirimkan resume yang difotostat kerana ia akan memberikan imej buruk pada kamu, seolah-olah kamu tidak bersungguh-sunguh.
3. Resume harus ada dalam satu muka surat sahaja. Jadi, ia mesti ringkas, padat dan jelas.
4. Tulis sendiri! Tidak salah kalau kamu membuat rujukan daripada contoh atau format yang sedia ada, tetapi sebaiknya kamu tulis sendiri dan tentu hasilnya lebih memuaskan. Selain itu, kamu juga harus jujur semasa membuat resume. Jika kamu membesar-besarkan keupayaan kamu, tentu kamu akan malu jika ia diketahui orang nanti.
5. Elakkan ‘gimik’ seperti foto, lukisan kartun dan lain-lain. Resume harus formal dan bersih serta senang dibaca. Gimik yang diletakkan juga tidak akan mendapat penilaian yang lebih baik. Jadi jangan buang masa untuk membuatkan gimik itu. Lagipun, ia kelihatan seolah-olah kamu masih lagi kurang matang, tidak dapat bezakan surat formal dan peribadi.
6. Resume kamu harus difokuskan dalam bidang kemahiran kamu sendiri terutamanya dalam bidang yang berkaitan dengan kerja yang kamu pohon itu.
7. Gunakan nombor atau garisan supaya resume kamu kelihatan kemas.
8. Resume kamu juga harus tepat dan khusus kepada topik yang dibincangkan supaya ia kelihatan aktif dan positif.
9. Jangan bazirkan ruangan dengan perkataan yang tidak penting. Biarlah setiap perkataan yang ditulis itu bermakna dan menyokong objektif penulisan resume kamu.
10. Buatlah beberapa draf dan berikan resume kamu kepada beberapa orang untuk diperiksa. Jika terdapat kesalahan dari segi tatabahasa atau ejaan, buatlah pembetulan. Resume yang mempunyai banyak kesalahan akan memberikan kesan buruk kepada pembacanya.

Cara Menulis Resume yang Baik

Resume adalah langkah paling asas dalam membuat pemohonan kerja. Resume yang baik harus memberi kesan yang positif kepada penemuduga. Resume yang baik harus meliputi semua aspek di bawah:
1. Isi kandungan
Unsur-unsur dalam resume itu mesti standard. Walau bagaimanapun kamu boleh menentukan sama ada kamu ingin menceritakan secara terperinci atau tidak, tentang pekerjaan kamu yang lepas.
2. Asas
la termasuk nama, nombor telefon, alamat dan e-mail (jika ada). Kamu juga harus sertakan dengan dua keping foto saiz berukuran pasport bersama resume tersebut.
3. Objektif
Objektif merujuk kepada matlamat kerjaya dan kemahiran kamu. la boleh ditulis dalam satu atau dua ayat sahaja. la juga boleh diabaikan tetapi ramai penemuduga harap dapat membacanya. Dalam objektif kamu, jangan menyalin bulat-bulat penerangan pekerjaan itu daripada iklan sahaja. Kamu mesti kreatif sikit!
4. Pendidikan
Senaraikan semua kelulusan akademik kamu daripada peringkat sekolah rendah hinggalah peringkat tertinggi yang kamu miliki. la termasuk jurusan yang diambil, gred atau markah purata, anugerah yang diterima.
5. Kemahiran khusus
Nyatakan kemahiran yang kamu miliki temmasuklah bahasa, sama ada dari segi penulisan atau pertuturan, penggunaan komputer atau kemahiran lain yang berkaitan dengan kerja yang kamu pohon itu.
6. Aktiviti
Senaraikan aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah kamu lakukan seperti hobi, kerja sukarela dan lain-lain yang dapat menunjukkan kewibawaan kamu. Selalunya penemuduga akan dapat tahu pesonaliti kamu melalui aktivi yang kamu ikuti itu.
7. Pengalaman herja
lni termasuk kerja praktikal, kerja sambilan, kerja sementara dan kerja sukarela. Jika boleh, susun ia mengikut tahun dan tarikh yang terkini. Masukkan juga jawatan kamu, nama syarikat, lokasinya dan tugas-tugas utama yang kamu jalankan.
8. Rujukan
Kamu harus menyatakan bahawa kamu bersedia untuk memberi penerangan sekiranya pihak penemuduga mempunyai apa-apa pertanyaan.

Corak Resume

Terdapat 4 jenis format resume. Setiap jenis itu mempunyai kebaikan dan kelemahannya serta sesuai untuk suasana yang berlainan.
1. Kronologi (mengikut urutan)
Untuk menjadikan resume kamu lebih teratur, senaraikan setiap perkara mengikut turutan taHun tetapi secara terbalik (Yang terkini ditulis dabulu). Ia lebih menitikberatkan perjalanan kerjaya kamu dan nama syarikat kamu dulu, tetapi kurang mengambil berat tentang pengalaman kerja dalam sesuatu bidang.
2. Corak Fungsi
la menitikberatkan keupayaan dan tugas utama kerja, jawatan serta pengalaman kerJa kamu. Ia amat sesuai digunakan oleh pemohon yang kurang berpengalaman dan hanya mabu fokuskan pada kemahiran mereka sahaja.
3. Corak bermatlamat
Corak ini senaraikan penerangan tentang sasaran suatu kerja khusus serta mahu memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada penemuduga. la amat sesuai bagi pemohon yang mahir dalam sesuatu bidang.
4. Corak penyiaran
Corak yang berdasarkan pengalaman atau percubaan. la merupakan surat penerangan bagi diri kamu dan menitikberatkan kemahiran kamu. Amat sesuai digunakan untuk pemohon yang moden dan ingin meminta ditemuduga oleh syarikat itu..

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