Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Job Interview

To make a positive and lasting impression at a job interview, you have to be prepared. The interview is where an employer will decide if you will be an asset to the company. Knowing the proper way to conduct your self is a key factor to achieving a successful interview. You need to be familiar with the interview jargon. The following is a list of language tools you should be well versed in before attending a job interview:

1. Don't Use Unfamiliar Terminology. Don't use terms an interviewer is not familiar with. You should be well versed in the language the employer understands. For example some employers are not well versed in computer technical terms. If possible, research information about the employer and the company.

2. Don't overuse the Word "I": If you use "I" too much when discussing past experiences, an employer may think that you are taking all the credit for work that others did. If you don't use "I" at all, the employer may think that you unable to work independently from others. Make sure you use both "I" and "We" during the interview.

3. Relaxed Communication: An employer wants to learn all about you. You have to be able to speak as though you are having a conversation. Say more than just "yes" or "no." You're your speaking style should flow and demonstrate that you are comfortable in any situation.

4. Overusing a Word or Phrase: Don't use a word too many times as it gives the impression that you are nervous. For instance, saying a word like "however" many times can distract an interviewer

5. Don't Use Marginal Words or Phrases: It does not sound professional if you keep repeating words or phrases such as "Like" or "you know" Always use professional words.

6. Engage The Employer: Don't just list your experiences. Use experiences to highlight particular qualifications. For example, if an employer wants to know how well you work with others, tell a story about an experience about when you and former employees worked together to solve a problem.

7. Prepare For Basic Questions: Don't focus solely on difficult questions an employer might ask. There are general questions that almost every employer asks. One such question is: Why do you want to work for us? You should be prepared to answer general questions

8. Don't Slight Past Jobs: Don't ridicule past jobs. If you worked at a fast food restaurant and make negative comments about it, an employer may think you have a bad attitude. It would be more impressive to say what you learned from working there and how it allowed you to save money for college.

9. Be Attentive: Make eye contact with the employer. Listen carefully to what the employer is saying and make your answers complete to show you understand what the employer is saying. If there is more than one interviewer, make eye contact with all of them as you speak.

10. Don't use Slang: There is standard of acceptable business communication. Words like "buddy" and "dude" will not impress an employer. The employer wants to hire someone who communicates professionally.

11. Avoid Profanity: If you swear during an interview or use vulgar and offensive language, don't bother sitting by the phone waiting for the employer to call. Businesses expect their employees' language and behavior to be professional and respectable.

12. Body Language: Don't fidget in your seat. Keep calm, relaxed, and always smile. Don't play with your hands. It is important to keep your mind and body composed during the interview. By maintaining a relaxed and happy composure, you will give the impression of competence and confidence.

13. Ask Questions: Employers expect that an interviewee is going to ask questions. Make sure your questions are clear and relevant to the business. Do some research about the company so that you can ask a good question. The job interview is the stage where one can make a first-rate impression. How you conduct yourself at an interview will drastically increase your chances of getting a job.


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