Contoh Surat Letak Jawatan (resign letter)
Di bawah ini merupakan contoh surat letak jawatan yang saya perolehi dari sahabat saya..anda boleh la guna surat ini sebagai surat perletakan jawatan anda kepada company anda....
Dear Mr. xxx,
It is with both regret and anticipation that I submit this letter of resignation. As required by my contract of empoyment, I hereby give you one month notice of my intention to leave my position as xxxxxxxxxxx, effective 18 March 2008.
I have decide that it is time to move on and I have accepted a position elsewhere. This was not an easy decision and took lot of consideration. However I am confident that my new role will help me to move towards some of the goals I have for my career. It has been my genuine pleasure to work for (company name) during these last 2 years.
I have enjoyed working with (company name) fine staff of professionals and colleagues. The association I have made during my employment here will be truly memorable for years to come. I wish (company name) continued more success in future.
Thank you for allowing me to serve (company name) and for all the opportunity, experience, knowledge and new skill I have during my employment. Once again I wish you all all staff in (company name) every good fortune.
Yours truly,
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